Sustainability Series - Production

In honor of Earth Day (celebrated on April 22nd), I’m dedicating this month to sharing my sustainability practices with you. My first topic in this series is on sustainability in production. When I prepare (which in the floral industry is called production) for an event like a wedding, I am mindful of the products I source and use while creating these florals for my events.

I started thinking seriously about how much waste is created in the florals industry and my impact 3 years ago. Which motivated me to start implementing changes into my business practices. It didn’t all happen at once and I’m still making adjustments and learning so much as I continue on this journey. The three pillars of sustainability have helped to keep me focused on the “why”; profits, planet and people.

I encourage you to sit down and take a look at how you can practice being more sustainable in your business now.

Sustainability practices in production

As a floral designer, I use the following products and materials to keep my event production sustainable. Below is a list of those products and where you can source them. As well as a great starter book on mechanics. I hope this encourages you to practice sustainability in your business.

Pin frogs

Handmade pottery

Chicken wire

Binding wire and twine


Biodegradable Foam

A Guide to Floral Mechanics Book

Come back next week to learn more about my sustainability practices in installations. If you have tips on how you practice sustainability in your business, I’m all ears - leave a note in the comments below, I’d love to hear from you!